
BQSE Seminar: Hanna Schwank (Bonn)
04:15 pm - 05:45 pm iCal file
Talk by Hanna Schwank (Bonn)

Topic: TBA

Speaker: Hanna Schwank (Bonn)

Time & venue:

Friday, 16:15-17:45

HU Berlin, Spandauer Str. 1

Room 23


Description: The BQSE seminar represents a focal point for knowledge exchange for staff and students pursuing quantitative spatial economics research in the Greater Berlin Metropolitan area. Seminar speakers are scholars who take space seriously in their quantitative research. Topics covered may relate to various fields of economics such as environment, history, labour, public, regional, trade, or urban.


The seminar is co-organized by a mix of junior and senior faculty from various academic institutions within and outside Berlin (click here for the list). It is a joint initiative of the School of Business and Economics at HU Berlin and the Center for Metropolitan Studies at TU Berlin. The co-organizers are grateful for the financial and logistical support provided by both institutions. Seminars are open to the wider public.

See the web page for topics and further information.