Core courses

The Core Course "Econometrics II (Advanced Econometrics)" by Gabór Uhrin will not be offered in Spring 2024. If you planned to attend the course, please contact the BSoE Office for further information.


Description/ course objectives:

  • Discuss central methods and current advances in applied econometrics.
  • Provide insights into empirical strategies (especially, identification) in important papers in the Labour, Public & IO literatures.
  • Discuss in-depth a variety of econometric frameworks and their core assumptions for causal and counterfactual analysis. Give students an understanding of why and when adding structure informed by economic theory can be important.
  • Establish basic estimation techniques & numerical methods such as simulation and numerical integration.


see syllabus

Time & venue:
Fridays, 9:00-12:00 (starting on 19.04.2024); DIW Berlin, Mohrenstr. 58, Room Popper (2.3.020)

see syllabus

More information can be found in the course syllabus.