Elective courses

Course objectives:

  • Discuss advantages and limitations of structural econometric models. Give students an understanding of why and when adding structure is important.
  • Provide insights into strategy (especially, identi cation) in important papers in structural Labour, Public & IO literature. Give a feel of how one may go about establishing a structural model.
  • Establish basic estimation techniques & numerical methods such as Simulation, Numerical integration and Discretisation.
  • Develop matrix programming skills using Matlab. Loops vs. vectorisation; readability vs. speed; sustainable coding for several projects.


  1. Introduction to Structural Discrete Choice Modeling
  2. Static discrete choice in IO
  3. Dynamic discrete choice in IO
  4. Dynamic discrete choice in Labour
  5. Partial job search
  6. Equilibrium job search

see syllabus

Peter Haan, Luke Haywood, Boryana Ilieva, Hannes Ullrich

Time & venue:
Thursdays, 14:00-17:00 (starting on 28.04.2022); tba

2 problem sets and a final exam

More information can be found in the syllabus.

Guest Lecturer(s)

Luke Haywood

Boryana Ilieva