Elective courses

Panel data are omnipresent in economics. They come with many advantages: the resulting larger data sets enable more precise inference, observing individuals/ rms/countries at multiple points in time allows to model and estimate dynamic responses to changes in variables of interest over time, and they can overcome some endogeneity concerns and hence contribute to a convincing identi cation strategy.

Naturally, adding time as a second dimension to the data does not come without challenges. The aim of the course is to both make the advantages of panel data clear and equip students with the tools and technical understanding to make use of their potential. Starting from the linear one- and two-way error component models, we will venture into di erent advanced challenges in panel econometrics, including dynamic and non-linear panel models. In accompanying computer sessions, we will implement and use some of the estimators ourselves in the statistical software R.

Badi Baltagi "Econometric Analysis of Panel Data", 5th edition.

Additional references will be provided in the lecture.

Joschka Wanner

Time & venue:
Wednesdays, 12:00-14:00; University of Potsdam, Campus Griebnitzsee, Room S12 (building 6)

PhD students can register by writing an email to Joschka Wanner (joschka.wanner@uni-potsdam.de) before April 20th, 2022.

90 minute exam (theory and computer part) & additional presentation component

Further information can be found in the syllabus.