
Christian D. Schade

Fields of research

(Entrepreneurial and) Behavioral Decision Making,
Gender Aspects in (strategic) Decision Making,
Quantum Decision Making (and free will)

Good to know

In BA teaching, the professorship for Entrepreneurial and Behavioral Decision Making mainly deals with the economic and psychological foundations of entrepreneurship, in the MA course with entrepreneurial decisions, but also with behavioral economics more generally, behavioral decision making, and methodological foundations, i.e. experiments. In research, it also deals with decisions, both entrepreneurial ones, but also in a more general perspective. Prof. Schade uses the basic principles of behavioral economics, experimental economics, and quantum decision making, which he himself helped to further and which he is also currently developing further. This comprises the question of free will. His research associates also work on these issue, but also deal with social decisions of entrepreneurs, cognitive psychological approaches and the problem of subjectivity/quantum decision making.