Research Associate
Students and Research Associates Representative

Lavinia Kinne

Personal Website
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Fields of research

Education/Labor, Behavioral, Gender

Good to know

I am a Postdoc (six years, no tenure track) at the Gender Economics Research Group in the Public Economics Department of DIW Berlin. I am also part of the Berlin School of Economics, guest researcher at the University of Potsdam, and Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Economic Policy Analysis (CEPA). I completed my PhD at the ifo Center for the Economics of Education and LMU in Munich under the supervision of Ludger Woessmann.

My research interests are Gender/Labor, Education, and Behavioral Economics. I work on the relationship between economic preferences and education outcomes, gender differences in adult competencies, especially in top positions, and the impact of feedback on learning. I use field experiments as well as large-scale observational data.