Welcome to the Berlin School of Economics

The Berlin School of Economics offers career development programs in economics, accounting, finance and management at the PhD and Postdoc levels in a single and unique structure. It combines two pre-existing, very successful career development programs: the Berlin Doctoral Program in Economics and Management Science (BDPEMS) and the Berlin Economics Research Associates (BERA) program. The following major institutions active in economics research in Berlin and beyond cooperate within the Berlin School of Economics:

Statement by Roland Strausz (Berlin School of Economics Speaker) against discrimination, sexual harassment and abuse of power

New Events

New INSIGHTS pieces

Labour Supply and Survivor Insurance in the Netherlands

by Julie Tréguier (DIW Berlin)

Addressing Climate Neutrality Through Green Innovation: Insights from the 2023 d\carb Event

by Nils Handler (DIW Berlin)

Political influence on international climate agreements with border carbon adjustment

by Achim Hagen (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and Mark Schopf (FernUniversität in Hagen)

Discover the Berlin School of Economics programs

PhD Program

The Berlin School of Economics PhD Program offers PhD tracks in Economics, Accounting, Finance and Management. All tracks are highly compatible with each other and allow for numerous specializations. The doctoral program provides outstanding doctoral students with a vibrant, intensively networked research community and a training structure that will develop their talents in a unique combination of high-level academic and applied research.

Research Associates Program

The Berlin School of Economics Research Associates Program recruits its members from the international job market for new PhD graduates. The program provides a mentoring program and multiple support structures for research activities, travel, and skills development for its members.